Parasite Detox Tonic

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Parasite Detox FAQ

How do I take the formula?

Simply dilute 1 full dropper in a small amount of water and take on an empty stomach.

Can I still do things normally in my daily life while using this product?

Absolutely. This formula was designed to be effective but gentle, allowing you to still do all of the things you need to do each day.

How long is the duration of this cleanse?

We recommend doing this cleanse for 90 days as detailed in our guide.

Is there a specific diet I should follow while doing this cleanse?

There are dietary recommendations that support the cleanse. You can read more about this in our Parasite Cleanse Protocol.

Will I see anything in my stool?

Though the majority of harmful organisms are microscopic, it is possible to see larger harmful organisms eliminated in your bowel movements.

How many times will I go to the bathroom?

This will vary from person to person, and also depends on many other dietary and lifestyle factors. The Parasite Detox tonic may increase the frequency of your bowel movements, especially when taken alongside a colon cleanse which is recommended for optimal benefit. This is a good sign that the body is eliminating effectively and should not be cause for concern.